Monday, September 10, 2012

On Wednesday 5th September, Rooms 1 and 2 went to The Brook Sanctuary and to the Museum. At the Museum we met Rick. Rick told us a lot of facts about Powelliphanta Snails. We learnt that they are meat eaters - one of their favourite meals included worms and grubs. We watched a little video which showed a snail eating a worm. Nicola said that the the snail sucked in the worm and that it was pretty gross and disgusting!

We did a few activities whilst we were at the Museum.

Afterwards we went to The Brook Sancutary and had morning tea. We got to play on the field. Rick took us on a bush walk. We got to see heaps of possum, stoat and rat traps along the way. Rick showed us a real possum that had been caught in a trap and a dam that was built in 1869.

August 2012
In our quest to learn more about birds including how they lived and ate, we got a big pair of tweezers, chopsticks, pegs and tongs and pretended that we were birds and these tools were our beaks.

We then tried to pick up seeds, beads and other small objects using only these tools. We realised through this activity that birds have a beak that suits the type of food they eat.

 It was not an easy task but a lot of fun to try!