Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pacific Dancers

We had a visit from a Pacific Dance group, who showed us different dances from islands of the Pacific. There were three men and three ladies. Their dancing was awesome.

Barney the Maori Warrior

Some kids had a go at being a Maori Warrior. Barney did a great job!

A dance from Hawaii

The dancers showed us a dance from Hawaii.

Making mazes

We read "The Gardener's Maze" and then had a go at making our own mazes with the rods. This is the one Scarlett made.

More mazes

Barney made this maze with the rods.


We have been working out half of a number. Mia and Nikau are playing a game of "halves" with the beans.

More fractions

We worked out how to put half the juice into each cup. Layla watched Shikarma and Paris trying to share it equally.

Ice experiments

We had fun experimenting with ice. We found out which things dissolve ice the quickest. Louis, Mia and Nikau watch as Nicola sprinkled on sugar to the icecube.